An easy 3 step guide to natural hair

If you’ve been natural for a long time this post may not be for you. Don’t let that stop you from sharing it with someone who is considering returning to natural. I am sure you have asked the question ” How do I start my natural hair journey?” or ” How do I take care of my natural hair?” I get asked these questions on a daily basis. It’s certainly something I have blogged about before (*see here), and it is certainly something I still ask myself to be honest. Sometimes we need reminders!

This time I thought I’d switch things up by creating an easy guide for natural hair. The guide can be downloaded and kept on your phone for reference.

You will note that even though it is a 3 step guide, it is loaded with information to get the best results out of your natural hair journey.

Right-click the pic below to download! Please keep sharing this post to help a newbie naturalista on her natural hair journey!




  1. Lerverne
    01/11/2019 / 12:58

    Thanks so much for this Amanda ❤

    • capetowncurly
      01/11/2019 / 13:04

      Such a pleasure!

  2. Olu Diya
    02/01/2019 / 07:11

    Does the same go if you have braids?

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