February Style Challenge – Day 5

It’s #FroFriday so of course I was going to let it all hang out today! Ain’t nobody got time for intricate styling on a Friday. This is kind of like a two for one special. I went through two of my favourites today – the WTF and the top knot/bun. Of course by WTF I mean What The Fro? That’s when you wake up in the morning, take off your satin bonnet and let your hair do whatever the heck it wants. Like this…

The top knot happened because I got so hot and I am almost convinced I suffered from my first hot flash you guys. I am not even joking! Forty is beginning to show it’s face. I choose to rock it well though! Fabulosity always wins at the end of the day. 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Take care and whatever you do, remember to 
Stay Gold, 


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