One of my high school friends turned 40 yesterday (22 Sept.)
F O R T Y ! !
I’m writing this because the realization that I would go into version 4.0 in exactly 8 months hit me hard! I mean for heaven’s sake, we were in high school and we blinked and boom, she turns forty? Where has the time gone!?
I’ve spoken to some of my girlfriends about this (over a few bottles of wine, of course) and we all agree that we don’t feel old, but (and this is a warning to all in their 20’s and 30’s) telltale signs of midlife started appearing – The strange ache in your back, neck or shoulder; your bedtime is earlier (seriously, you’ll be at a club and long for your bed at 12am); covering your grey hair is no longer important – you simply start embracing it; the fear that you’re entering perimenopause which means the dreaded menopause is just around the corner (why is it called men o pause anyway? Is it a sign of things to come?); that damn muffin top that’s taking you longer to get rid of than ever before, and kids start calling you ma’am. Ma’am!? When did that happen!?
However, with all the craziness of getting older, comes a sense of understanding.The realization of self-love. Self-acceptance. The understanding that the only person I need to please is myself. My own happiness has a domino effect on the happiness of my daughter. I no longer care what people think about me. In fact, what they think about me is actually none of my business.
I no longer find the need to wear sexy stringy and let’s face it, uncomfortable undies, to make myself feel good – I am now able to feel good and heck, even sexy, in reasonable cotton undies that pretty much does the same damn thing!
For the first time in my life, I am feeling a sense of peace. I am ridding myself of unnecessary burdens and only accepting positive vibes into my surroundings.
I’ve made a decision to celebrate the last 8 months of my thirties on a daily basis. I will be documenting some and others, not so much (some things may just be to scandalous to blog about. Hopefully). I am celebrating life from here on out, the good, the bad and the ugly, because quite frankly, life deserves to be celebrated.
So come and get me 40, I am fierce and fabulous and I am waiting for you…