My Kiehl’s story

Remember how happy I was when Beauty Bulletin chose me to review Kiehl’s fab five skincare routine? 
I couldn’t wait to use the products because I had heard so much about them. The review fell right into my goals for 2016 (great skin, get fit, eat healthy, make my first million… you know, the usual).

Religiously, I pampered myself every night and every morning with the products. I was committed to dedicating the next 28 days to Kiehl’s and healthy skin.  
My favourite was the Midnight Recovery Concentrate, because it smelled of lavender and calmed me down after a rather hectic day. It also performed miracles on my face. I swear Kiehl’s stuffs each bottle with fairy dust because I looked like I had a facelift. I’m not even kidding. It was as if the Midnight Recovery Concentrate was an actual Instagram filter – in fact, Instagram should name a filter after this product. 

Little did I know that my journey with Kiehl’s was about to take a turn. Day 3 into my challenge I experienced a break out on my chin – 3 pesky pimples weaseled their way to freedom, making a break for it right through my delicate skin. It was extremely painful and I could almost hear when it throbbed. I’ve always heard people say when you start a new skin regime, this sort of thing tends to happen, so I continued with the challenge. By day 7 the break out got worse so I decided to email Lori from Beauty Bulletin. She responded immediately and told me she would get Kiehl’s to contact me. I spoke to a Kiehl’s consultant that very day who then told me to stop using the products immediately. 

A few days later Kiehl’s dermatologist, Dr. Sian Hartshorne, called me to chat about my skin. It turns out that I am experiencing adult acne! Adult acne? I am still getting my head around that one. After chatting to me indepth, Dr. Hartshorne explained that my skin was to sensitive for the amount of products I was using. She then officially advised me to stop using all the Kiehl’s products and prescribed an ointment to ease the pain. 
Now you may think that I am disappointed by this whole experience, but you are sadly mistaken. I am highly impressed by the way Beauty Bulletin and Kiehl’s handled the situation. It felt as if I was their top priority and they stopped at nothing to get to the bottom of my crisis. 
Would I recommend Kiehl’s? Absolutely! Even though it didn’t work for me, I have seen some phenomenal reviews of the brand. In fact, I managed to convert a few people to change to Kiehl’s. If it doesn’t work for you, at least they have an amazing, caring team to assist you on your Kiehl’s journey.
I would like to thank Beauty Bulletin and Kiehl’s for the opportunity to review the #High5toGreatSkin products. 

p.s. My skin is healing nicely and I found a nice light tinted moisturiser to cover up the blemishes. 

Stay Gold,

1 Comment

  1. 08/11/2016 / 06:38

    Hi Mandy 🙂

    Really appreciate your honesty and ever-positive energy 🙂


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