Style Challenge Day #1

I’ve agreed to do a Style Challenge for this week and my hair is literally in a twist about it. For the past two weeks I have been scrutinizing Pinterest, Youtube and Google; trying to find easy styles to attempt at home. What was I thinking when I agreed to do this challenge?

I mean, I’m a wash n go kinda naturalista. 

For those of you who think going natural is the “easy way out”, think again! Being on this path, you need to be prepared to spend time with your hair, nourish it, moisturize it, learn and love it. 
So even though I may be a wash ‘n go queen, I still make sure my hair is deep conditioned once a week and that those horrid single knot strands are taken care of. 

This week however, I’ve decided to change the game by adding **protective styling to my regimen.

Check out my first style 

This style was done on stretched out hair. I parted my hair in 3 sections with my fingers. The reason I did this was to minimize my scalp showing through. I then flat-twisted each section, gathered them together using a ponytail holder, rolled the ends in and used a bobby-pin to keep it in place. 

Although I really like this style, I must say that I am not to impressed with my twist out game just yet. I feel that I need to change the products I used and that I should have used the tension method to stretch out my hair. I believe it would have eliminated some frizz. 
Back to the drawing board.

Let’s see what tomorrow holds.
**Protective hairstyles are usually heat-free hairstyles concealing the ends. It is said that protective styling will encourage hair growth and length retention.

Stay Gold, 


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