Becoming a natural hair influencer

Becoming a natural hair influencer

It’s been three whole months since I’ve chatted to you. Call it writers block, self-doubt or just needing a time-out…

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Fare thee well 2017

Fare thee well 2017

Today is the final day of 2017. I’m typing this out as I’m sitting on my bed while my hair…

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The Women X Women movement

The Women X Women movement

Hello lovelies, hello June! May was a fabulous month. It had it’s challenges, but as women you know we rise…

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42 for what!?

42 for what!?

I was not looking forward to this birthday. I mean, how do you celebrate a birthday on a Monday! Momma…

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Curls & Cocktails – White in Winter

Curls & Cocktails – White in Winter

Hello May/Hello birthday month! AHmazing things are happening this month already. I ended April by going on my first cruise,…

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, I’m Amanda.
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