42 for what!?

I was not looking forward to this birthday. I mean, how do you celebrate a birthday on a Monday! Momma always said never celebrate your birthday before your actual birth date. Something about bad luck or whatever, point is it stuck and I actually don’t celebrate before, unless it is the night before … but then people aren’t allowed to wish me before the clock strikes 12… but I digress…

I was not looking forward to this birthday because 42 is in my opinion, officially 40Something. Who the hell wants to be 40Something!? My loathing of that number began to consume me… 42…42… sigh –  Do you want to know what I did a few days before 42? I attended the Justin Bieber concert with #TheKid and a few friends. Justin freakin Bieber. Is this it? Have I finally entered my midlife crisis? Have I become the drunk aunty you always avoid at weddings?

The Thursday before 42 I started feeling fluish. This caused me to spend the entire weekend in bed, doctoring my sick body and bruised soul… 42. Fok!

By Sunday afternoon I felt loads better. I can’t exactly tell you what came over me – Midlife crisis? After taking a shower, doing my hair and putting on some make up, the realization of owning my age started to sink. I walked downstairs in silver heels and my favourite jacket (ironically a birthday gift for 41), stood in front of a very bewildered boyfriend – and stated that I wanted to celebrate 42. Poor darling got so excited until I handed him my phone and asked him to be my Instagram husband for the umpteenth time.

What I’ve realised about being 40something is that you honestly don’t give a flying foot about what others think of you anymore. You are overcome with a massive amount of confidence (see pics)

You become increasingly grateful for and appreciative of every. single. blessing bestowed upon your life (Awesome genes *tick.  A great pair of legs *tick)

You start to enjoy life to its absolute fullest, and you feel totally comfortable with becoming the woman you were always meant to be.

And so my dear sweet 42, even though you have brought on some extra flab, grey hair and a few tiny wrinkles,  I want you to know that I am here for you. Let’s dance!



  1. 05/22/2017 / 13:17

    I love this post so much! I’ve struggled with accepting that I’m turning 30 yesterday but you made me feel so much better. I wish I could look half as good as you at 42 (minus the legs, I got stuck with sticks). Thank you for this post and Happy Birthday 🙂

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:07

      Thank you so much. Two days later and I am still celebrating. OWN your age. Don’t allow the number to frighten you.

  2. 05/22/2017 / 13:55

    YESS! Love my 40s, best age EVER!!

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:06

      Really loving being fabulously 40!

  3. Hilary
    05/22/2017 / 18:35

    Love me those legs…..its the forties Mandy..but damn its “Roaring”!! Fabulously fourty you are???? own it sister….your latter will be far greater than your past???

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:06

      I am really “feeling” it Hilary. Thank you!

  4. 05/22/2017 / 19:03

    You are gorgeous at the age of 40 something,like the older folk would say that you on the good side of 40.
    Lurvvvvveeee the jacket,legs and shoes and the hair is totally on fleek.dont freak out as I am on the good side
    Of 50 and absolutley loving it,maybe this will help you accepting it,celebrating a birthday nowadays is a privilege denied
    To many, so embrace the year that has been added to your life.have a fabulous year.
    Much love

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:05

      Thank you so very much!

  5. Melissa Javan
    05/23/2017 / 06:02

    Let’s dance!

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:05

      You KNOW this!

  6. Zenneline Louw
    05/24/2017 / 07:19

    Absolutely love this post!! You are ROCKING that 42 for what!!! Beautiful Amanda!!

    • capetowncurly
      05/24/2017 / 10:04

      Thanks so much sweetie!

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