A cut above

Good morning world. I know it’s been a minute. I’ve put blogging on hold for a bit because – life. You know how it goes. 
This past weekend we embarked on what I’d like to call moving weekend #1.

I’ve sold my little home which provided #TheKid and I with shelter, memories and blessings for the past 11 years. We’ve found a beautiful, bigger home that suits my new little family perfectly… But it will only be ready next month – So we’ve moved into an apartment in the interim. Sometimes, a change is as good as a holiday. 

In the midst of packing up my life, I decided to go for the trim that I’ve been meaning to get forever! New home, new… hairstyle?? After searching forever for a hairstylist who understands my mission, it turns out the perfect place to get my hair did professionally, is to go back in time. Let me explain – 

Meet Craig! Craig was my saving grace during my transition. He was the one who helped me keep my tresses in tact, while I returned to natural. He understood my needs, does not suffer from snappy scissor syndrome, is a total sweetheart and can teach you a thing or two about strutting in heels! 
I believe a fantastic hairstylist will take the time to get to know you, how you prefer to wear your hair and they will refrain from convincing you to “try out their fantastic new relaxer”. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I am a very proud cape flats girl – and that’s exactly where you will find the best of the bunch. Well, that’s in my opinion. 

Now                                   Then

Notice how my hair tapers in the “Then” pic? Once that starts happening, you know it’s time to trim.  Craig chopped off about 3cm of my hair. Not bad considering I last had my hair trimmed about 6 months ago. When last have you trimmed your hair? 

Stay Gold, 



  1. Rozanne
    07/25/2017 / 21:12


    I am in desperate need of a hair salon who will be able to do the big chop! Any recommendations??? I live in the Somerset West area, and all I keep getting is; “Sorry we don’t really cut ethnic hair…” ??

    Do I just try a DIY big chop at home or find a salon??


    • capetowncurly
      07/26/2017 / 13:45

      You can also check out vlogger @gennadoingthings She has started her natural hair salon!

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