Queening on naturallycurly.com

So I’m on a break in the tea room of my 9 to 5, when I look at my phone and see a few voice notes from Eleanor aka Eleanor J’adore. Of course with Mrs. J’adore being in her third trimester, my first thought was “Oh my gosh, she’s having the baby”. My brain went into overtime and my heart stopped as I clicked the play button, only to have Eleanor shout in my ear :

” Mandy go onto naturallycurly.com!! Do it right now. I don’t know if you’ve seen this but… our Bossiekop picture is on the first page”. 

I think I stared at the phone for a few minutes thinking “what?

The article is entitled: ” What it’s like having natural hair in South Africa #CurlsAroundTheWorld”. It’s a look into the cultural divide of South Africa and the solidarity between cultures within the natural hair community. The author is Chelsea Johnson, a PhD candidate whom I met with in last year. It’s such a great article, one every South African naturalista should read!

Now if you have never heard of naturallycurly.com, allow me to fill you in. It is one of the biggest international online natural hair magazines you could possibly think of. When I first did research into “going natural” 4 or 5 years ago, naturallycurly.com kept popping up everywhere. It is the site every curly girl turns to when they want to determine their curl pattern – And there we were, my curlfriend Eleanor and I, on the landing page of naturallycurly.com, in all our Bossiekop glory!

I couldn’t be happier to debut on an international level with Eleanor. We met online in 2013 and face to face 2 years later. Together, with 3 other phenomenal women, we started Cape Town Naturally, and we soon became leaders within the South African natural hair community. Breaking down international walls and taking this first step together is powerful beyond measure for us. I once joked with Eleanor and told her that ” The *fromance between us is on another level” to which she replied ” I actually love our fromance

I do too Eleanor, I do too! Now let’s keep #Queening!

*Fromance = When you have a curlcrush on another naturalista and you become curlfriends and you support each other and watch each other grow and glow! 

Have you read the article on naturallycurly.com? Share your thoughts below.






  1. Lorraine
    08/28/2017 / 09:15

    This is fantastic ! A huge congratulations #RockThoseCurls

  2. 09/01/2017 / 07:33

    Congratulations your inspired me.
    I just love your hair and I wish I can wear mine like that. Advice please – I’ve got the type of hair that needs to be relaxed every second month and there’s no way I can get my hair to curl naturally.

  3. 09/06/2017 / 19:41

    I only just read this now! Love your angle on it Curlfriend 🙂

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